India's finest and most revered jewellery brand.

Our vision is to be The World's finest and most revered jewellery brand.

Our passion to excel comes purely from the belief that those who put their trust in us deserve the very best.

ANMOL today is revered by top Bollywood actors & celebrities and has had the distinction of doing wedding jewelry for quite a few of the high-profile Bollywood actresses

Our Story

Our Values


Our enduring spirit to grow.

The Art of Authenticity

Every Design, Every Collection at ANMOL is a product of reason, effort and care.

Trust & Transparency

To assist you with Integrity.

Consistency & Commitment

To follow through on our promises, Always!

Passion for Excellence

Commitment to delivering our best.

Long Term Thinking

Fostering Relations that go beyond transactions.

The Spirit of Togetherness

Enduring relations within the team,built on mutual understanding and care.